Articles on: Feedback Reports

New feedback reports - GDPR

We are introducing a number of AI-enhanced features to No More Marking over the next year that will enhance the feedback we can offer you. In order to provide these features we need to use an AI service to transcribe and process anonymised images of the pupils’ writing. We will select the providers carefully, and ensure that they neither retain data nor use the data to train their own models. Ideally we will process the data within the European Union, but where this is not possible we will use countries with a sufficient level of data protection as defined by the GDPR legislation. Our current providers, Anthropic and OpenAI, are based in the US and are noted in our AI GDPR agreement. Here is a link to the AI updated GDPR agreement. The change is the addition of the following section.



Producing a summary of teachers’ audio comments made while judging to produce reports for pupils.
Transcribing anonymised images of writing so they can be assessed by an automated judging assistant.

The data may be transferred to the Anthropic servers in the United States but Anthropic ensures it benefits from an adequate level of data protection by relying on Adequacy decisions and Standard contractual clauses. The data is deleted on the backend within 30 days of receipt or generation. The data is not used to train its own models.

Privacy notice:

These AI-enhanced features are optional and are turned off by default. You do not have to use them. If you do wish to use them, then under GDPR, you are accountable to the pupils and must inform parents of these changes. We have provided draft wording for your reference.

If you do not wish to use the features, you do not need to contact parents. The features are turned off by default.

If you do wish to turn the AI-enhanced features on please see this help guide.

Draft for parents

As you know we work with No More Marking who provide us with a robust method of moderating pupils’ writing. We are looking to enhance the feedback that pupils receive on their writing. The method requires us to share anonymised images of pupil writing from their national writing tasks that will be transcribed and shared with AI cloud services.

The data may be transferred to servers in the United States but we ensure it benefits from an adequate level of data protection by relying on Adequacy decisions and Standard contractual clauses. The data is deleted on the backend within 30 days of receipt or generation. The data is not used to train AI models. For further information please see the GDPR and privacy notice from No More Marking.

Updated on: 28/03/2025

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