Articles on: CJ Lightning

CJ Lightning: Judging

For CJ Lightning we recommend letting the AI do 90% of the judging, and getting your teachers to do the remaining 10%. We also recommend getting your teachers to leave audio comments while they make their judgements. If you'd like to follow this recommended approach, here is what to do.

Visit Judge > Run judging session.

Accept the default Candidate Judgements of 1 decision per script that we have set on the dashboard.
You can ignore the note about moderation judgements as there will be no moderation judgements for this project. All moderation will be done by Chloe, our AI.

Turn on audio feedback so that teachers can leave direct feedback for the pupils if you wish.

Read more about the audio feedback here

Share your judging link. You can then proceed to judge as normal, so that if you have 240 pupils, your judging will be 100% complete after a total of 240 decisions.

If you haven't run a judging session before, read more here

After the judging deadline has passed we will make up the remaining decisions with AI so that pupils receive on average 20 decisions each. On your dashboard you will see judges called Chloe appear. Every Chloe behaves as a normal judge, so you can interrogate her decisions.

If you would prefer for Chloe to do 100% of the judging, then you don't need to do anything. We'll update you when Chloe has finished judging. If you would like to do more than 10% of the judging contact us and we will make the adjustment for you.

Updated on: 10/03/2025

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