Articles on: Candidates

Common issues with candidate files

How do I get help with uploading my candidate file?

When you upload a candidate file you should be able to see what exactly has gone wrong.

Here are some likely issues:

Blank Field/Cells - Make sure to check for any blank cells/fields in your file. A single blank cell/field on your file will show as an error when uploading.

Columns - Make sure that you have mapped the right columns in the field selector after uploading.
DOB format - The system only accepts YYYY-MM-DD or DD/MM/YYYY.

If you get date of birth issues you can try setting the date format in Excel.
Empty row - If you get an error about extra empty rows at the bottom of your entries, here's what you can do:

Cancel the upload and open your CSV or Excel file.
Copy the cells where you have data into a new CSV or Excel file.
Save and upload the new file.

Don't despair! We have a team who can fix data issues so ask us for a Dropbox link to upload your file and we'll help!

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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