Articles on: Automark

Upload students to Automark

Click on Upload Students, and you’ll see the following instructions.

Use the template provided to upload your student names, as it has all the right formatting. We need the following information.

First Name The first name of the student. eg. Amiliah
Last Name The last or family name of the student. eg. Alenzy
Gender eg. M / F
Date of Birth eg. 2000-12-13
Group The teaching group or class eg. 7xg

PP The pupil premium status of the pupil (England only) eg. N / Y
SEND The Special educational needs and disabilities status (England only) eg. N / Y
UPN Unique Pupil Number eg. A12345678. If you don't use UPNs then you can number the pupils from 1 upwards.

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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