Articles on: Writing Progression

What is the Writing Progression?

The No More Marking Writing Progression is a series of statements about writing which schools can use to teach and assess their students.

The Writing Progression resources can be found in two places: the Writing Hub and Automark.

All the lesson videos, lesson slides and lesson guides are on the Writing Hub. Click here to go to the Writing Hub. Click here to go to the help pages for the Writing Hub.

The lesson quizzes are on Automark. If you administer the quizzes using Automark, you will get automated feedback reports.  Click here to go Automark. Click here to go to the help pages for Automark.

If you subscribe to Assessing Primary Writing or Improving Secondary Writing, you have full access to all the Writing Progression resources for no extra charge. You can log in to each website using the same username and password as for the main No More Marking website.

If you are not a subscriber, you can view the first three Writing Progression lesson resources on the Writing Hub for free, but you will not have access to any Automark quizzes or resources.

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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