Articles on: Candidates

How do I create a candidate file?

This guide explains how to create a candidate file to import student details to a task.

Click on a. Populate, generate, download & print coded sheets, then Candidate Upload.

Download the template from the task as shown on the screenshot below:

The required fields are:

First_Name: First name eg. Chris
Last_Name: Last name eg. Harding
DOB: Date of birth eg. 31/01/2000
Gender: M / F. We do not present this data to the student, but we do provide a breakdown for national tasks.
Year_Group: eg. 7 for Year 7
Group: The teaching, class or registration group. Results will be grouped by this field for national tasks.

Optional fields are:

Candidate: A candidate number (eg. A1234567). If you don't use candidate numbers you can ignore this field.
PP: (UK only) Pupil Premium Status eg. Y / N

Formats accepted include .csv and .xls.

A separate candidate file must be created for every year level cohort which should then be upload to each individual year level task.

Open the template file, study the data formatting, delete the sample data, and replace it with your own.

You may now proceed to importing your candidate file to the appropriate NMM task.

Once our team have checked a national task you may find you are unable to delete your students. You can ask us for help if you have made a mistake somewhere.

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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