CJ Lightning: Free AI Enhanced Project for Secondary Schools
Our Free Year 7 Writing Assessment with AI Integration provides schools following the English curriculum with a powerful combination of artificial intelligence and human judgment to evaluate student writing. This innovative assessment includes AI-powered analysis, optional human moderation, and detailed feedback features including audio comments. The system delivers GCSE-aligned insights and writing age indicators, making it valuable for both current ISW schools and newcomers. Ready to starPopularCJ Lightning: GDPR
We are planning to introduce a number of AI-enhanced features to No More Marking over the next year that will reduce the amount of judging you need to do and enhance the feedback we can offer you. In order to provide these features we need to use an AI service to transcribe and process anonymised images of the pupils’ writing. We will select the providers carefully, and ensure that they neither retain data nor use the data to train their own models. Ideally we will process the data within the EuFew readersCJ Lightning: Accept the GDPR and Turn on the AI
At present AI Enhanced Features are only available to school subscribers. If you wish to turn on AI Enhanced Features you do so within your school account. You will find the option under your Account tab. Turn on AI Enhanced Features You can read more about the GDPR implications of turning on the AI enhanced features here (https://help.nomoremarking.com/en/article/gdpr-for-ai-boostFew readersCJ Lightning: Judging
For CJ Lightning we recommend letting the AI do 90% of the judging, and getting your teachers to do the remaining 10%. We also recommend getting your teachers to leave audio comments while they make their judgements. If you'd like to follow this recommended approach, here is what to do. Visit Judge Run judging session. 2. Accept the default Candidate Judgements of 1 deFew readers