What reports are available for subscribers?
For subscribers to national products, the following reports are available in pdf format from the School Reports menu: Task Report Overview On the Overview page a table shows the total number of pupils taking part in the task, alongside their average Scaled Score and average Writing Age. These figures are given for the whole sample, as well as for your school. Breakdowns by gender On the Gender page a table shows the total number of pupils taking part in the task, alongside theiFew readersWhat results are available for custom tasks?
For custom tasks rather than national tasks for subscribers, you can download the results of your candidates in CSV format. Go to the particular task, click the "Refresh Scores" button then Check results. You will be directed to this page, click the "Candidates Results" button. The results downloadedFew readersProgress reports for subscribers
Subscribers to national tasks are able to generate progress reports. How to generate and download progress reports for your candidates When the same group of candidates has completed more than one national task, for example Year 2 Assessing Primary Writing last academic year and Year 3 Assessing Primary Writing this academic year, you will be able to match them across the tasks and generate progress reports for them.Few readersWhat reports are available for Trusts?
See this guide Getting started with No More Marking as a Trust for information about the Trust pages. If you have access to the Trust pages, then to access the Trust/consortium reports, first of all go to https://www.nomoremarking.com and Log In. Click on the Trust menu at the top of the screen: trusts menu As long as you are set up to access your Trust/consortiFew readersExploring the decisions made on each candidate
Exploring the decisions made on each candidate Here is how to explore more deeply the judgements made on a candidates script It is common for judges and coordinators to want to find out why a particular candidate achieved a particular score - there may perhaps be concerns that the score was too low or too high. To explore this more deeply, we can look at the decisions made for that candidate, who they were compared against, and the probability that the decision was 'correct'. After tFew readers