New feedback reports - Student Report
To download the Student Report, go to Results & feedback- Feedback and then click on the Student Report button, as shown below. You will get a PDF with four elements for each student. 1) An image of the student's writing. 2) A teacher comment - this will only appear if you left audio comments, otherwise it wiFew readersNew feedback reports - Teacher Report
To download the Teacher Report, go to Results & feedback- Feedback and then click on the Teacher Report button, as shown below. You will get a PDF with four elements for each student. 1) Data on the student's performance in this assessment and in previous assessments, if available. 2) Direct and personalised AI feedback on 9 TAF-aligned features of writing. This will only appear if you havFew readersNew feedback reports - Whole-class audio feedback
To download the whole-class audio feedback report, go to Results & feedback- Feedback and then click on the Whole-class audio feedback button, as shown below. The whole-class audio feedback report provides you with three different reports: a summary of the national cohort performance, a summary of your year group performance, and a summary of each of your class's performance. These reFew readersNew feedback reports - Interactive dashboard
We have four new PDF feedback reports available: (1) audio feedback; (2) whole-class audio feedback; (3) student report and (4) teacher report ( readersNew feedback reports - Audio feedback
To download the audio feedback report, go to Results & feedback- Feedback and then click on the Audio feedback button, as shown below. You'll get a PDF that features a written comment for every student. There are two comments to a page. The comments are based on the audio comments left by your teachers. If you didn't leave any audio comments, this PDF will be blank. Here is what a commFew readers