The Calendar
No More Marking provides calendars for various assessment products available in your region. Please use the calendar links below according to your region and click the product you are subscribed to. For The United Kingdom: For The United States: For Australia: For New Zealand: https://www.nomoremarkiSome readersStimulus Release
What happens on this day? One week before the writing week we will release the writing stimulus. It is important that all students write to the same stimulus so that everyone will be compared fairly. On this day we will email you and let you know that the stimulus is ready. Please don't prepare the students in any way as it is important that the complete the task in controlled conditions without access to any support. In this way we ensure that all writing is independent. Where do I findPopularWriting Week for handwritten tasks
What happens this week? This week is the week set aside for your students to write. The students will be asked to respond to a stimulus which was released days prior to the writing week. You should set aside an hour for your students to complete their writing. What should I have prepared? You should have the stimulus, which you may either print off for each student or display on a board. Every student should have their own coded paper to write on. Ideally students should write in peFew readersAssessing Writing In Australia
For our Australian projects, the year groups from year 4 upwards type their answers into our online editor so that the process is as similar as possible to NAPLAN. While you prepare students as normal for typed tasks, rather than print out answer sheets you need to log in students to the online editor. Here is a short video on this process.Few readersJudging Week
Preparing for a judging session in school During judging week you should set aside up to an hour for teachers to complete their judging. Exactly how long it will take depends on how many teachers you have to complete the judging. You can estimate the amount of time using this online calculator. The process of judging itself can be really good CPD if you organise it well. You can decide whether some or aSome readers