Articles on: Scanning

Double check the uploaded scans

As a final check of the images, click on the Thumbnails tab:

This will bring up 'thumbnails' of all the scans for all the candidates that will be included in the judging process. You can look through them to double check that the quality of the scans is fine. You can magnify any thumbnail in a new browser window by clicking on it.

To order the images by size (for example to look for sheets that haven't been written on), click the 'Size' button.
To Include/Exclude a page, click the tick (which will turn into a cross, and vice versa).
To rotate an upside down page, click the rotate button.

If you need to swap the order of a candidate's pages (for example if they wrote on Page 2 and then on Page 1), click the Page Order tab:

Then click the right hand arrow in the top corner of a page that you want to swap with the sheet to its left:

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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