Articles on: Results

Progress reports for subscribers

Subscribers to national tasks are able to generate progress reports.

How to generate and download progress reports for your candidates

When the same group of candidates has completed more than one national task, for example Year 2 Assessing Primary Writing last academic year and Year 3 Assessing Primary Writing this academic year, you will be able to match them across the tasks and generate progress reports for them.

Make sure your scores are up to date by clicking on the 'Refresh Scores' button!

Reports are available under the 'School Reports' menu:

Initially, our system automatically attempts to match the candidates from task to task. However, this will not necessarily correctly match every single case - for example if any candidate details were incorrect for one of the tasks, or if a candidate's name has been recorded differently between one task and another.

In order to add any missing matches, click the 'Match Candidates' tab and then the appropriate task's button below:


You will be presented with a panel that details the matches that have been made so far:

matching page

In the example above, with 2 tasks being matched together, wherever our system has matched a candidate across the 2 tasks, you will see the final column indicates *Matches = 2*. (It is worthwhile checking the individual matched rows, however, just to make sure those matches are all correct matches!)

Where a candidate has not been matched between the 2 tasks, you can see *Matches = 1*.

Normally this is because that candidate only took part in one, not both, of the tasks. But sometimes the system simply wasn't sufficiently confident to make that match.

In these cases, you can check any missing matches and add them where necessary, by clicking the '*Please Select...*' drop-down menu. You will see any unmatched candidates listed, with the most likely match towards the top of the list (each is also given a percentage likelihood of that candidate being the correct match, according to our system).

You can go through any missing matches and add them where appropriate.

Once the matching is complete, click the ‘Progress’ menu.

Then click one of the relevant year group’s buttons to obtain:

- the Progress PDF summary report, or
- the progress report in Excel format, containing the pupil-level results:


The Progress PDF report contains tables and charts showing summaries and averages of the progress measures.

The Progress spreadsheet contains 3 tabs:

- Scaled Scores - with scaled scores for the candidates colour-coded green/red for positive/negative progress
- Grades - indicating the levels for the candidates
- Links - this tab contains links to the candidates' scripts from all of their tasks, for you to view directly online

In each tab, for quick identification the cells in the Gender column are colour-coded for M/F, and Pupil Premium candidates are colour-highlighted for PP status = Y, as shown below:


By default, the progress reports will ONLY contain candidates who have been matched for every single assessment that has been taken by that year group.

If your school has been involved for several years, you might find that the number of candidates included in the reports is reducing more and more each year.

If you wish to ‘skip’ the inclusion of any particular assessment, in order to maximise the number of candidates included in the progress reports, then simply de-select the relevant assessment(s) by clicking the appropriate button(s).

For example, if you wish to download a Year 4 progress report for a group that also took assessments in each of the previous three years, you could choose to only include the Year 1 and Year 4 assessments. This would mean that your report would include all candidates who took those two assessments, irrespective of whether they also took the Year 2 or Year 3 assessments.

To do this, you would de-select the Year 2 and Year 3 assessments as shown, before clicking the PDF report button or the Progress spreadsheet button:

choose cohort

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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