Articles on: Results

What reports are available for subscribers?

For subscribers to national products, the following reports are available in pdf format from the School Reports menu:

Task Report

On the Overview page a table shows the total number of pupils taking part in the task, alongside their average Scaled Score and average Writing Age. These figures are given for the whole sample, as well as for your school.

Breakdowns by gender
On the Gender page a table shows the total number of pupils taking part in the task, alongside their average Scaled Score and average Writing Age. These figures are given for the whole sample, as well as for your school, all figures broken down by gender.

Breakdowns by pupil premium
If applicable, a Pupil Premium breakdown page is provided with all figures broken down by pupil premium status.

Breakdowns by class groups
If Class was included in the initial candidate details upload, then the Class Groups chart displays the average Scaled Score for each class, as well as for All pupils.

Schools chart
The Schools chart displays the average Scaled Score for every school that took part in that task, rank ordered.

Pupil Reports
In the Pupil Reports table each pupil is listed, rank ordered from highest to lowest Scaled Score. Alongside each pupil name is their Grade, their Scaled Score and their Writing Age.

National Levels
In the National Levels summary table, the cumulative percentages of pupils achieving each grade is given, for All pupils, as well as a gender breakdown. (If applicable, a Pupil Premium breakdown is also given.)

Progress Report

Track a cohort of students as they are assessed over time. Compare your own students with the National scores. See more details here.

Trust Report

The Trust pages on our website are designed to be a useful tool for Trusts or consortia whose schools are involved in our national projects and who have data-sharing permissions with the schools. See more details here.

In addition to the pdf reports, results are available in spreadsheets. A guide to the columns in the spreadsheets is here.

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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