What reports are available for Trusts?
See this guide Getting started with No More Marking as a Trust for information about the Trust pages.
If you have access to the Trust pages, then to access the Trust/consortium reports, first of all go to https://www.nomoremarking.com and Log In.
Click on the Trust menu at the top of the screen:

As long as you are set up to access your Trust/consortium information, you should see your Trust/consortium Name and Product(s) listed:

Click on the appropriate row and you will be taken to the relevant Trust/consortium page on the website.
You will see several tabs on screen, the final one of which is the Reports tab.

Clicking on this tab takes you to a page that will allow you to download Trust/consortium-level PDF reports and CSV files, which compare the performances from all of the schools in the group for a national task.
Select the year group(s) and academic year(s) from the buttons on the left.
(You can also select to include only those tasks from a certain month - useful if the same year group appear twice for different months.)

The buttons you see for each task are:
A PDF summary report for the Trust's schools
A CSV file of the summary data for the Trust's schools
A CSV file of the student-level data
A Progress summary report for the Trust's schools
A Progress CSV file of the summary data for the Trust's schools
A Progress CSV file of the summary data for the Trust's schools (using Z scores)
The Cohorts button - this allows you to select which tasks to include in the Progress reports. The Progress reports will by default include results averages for ONLY those schools that have taken part in EVERY possible task - so if some tasks were not taken by all of your schools you might wish to deselect some tasks before generating a Progress report, to maximise the number of schools appearing.
The Exemplars button - this allows you to create a PDF report of exemplar scrips from this task, randomly chosen from across the range, just for your Trust. You can choose to create a report with 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 exemplar scripts.

Don't forget - if any further judging is carried out in any of the schools, then you will need to re-download the reports!
If you have access to the Trust pages, then to access the Trust/consortium reports, first of all go to https://www.nomoremarking.com and Log In.
Click on the Trust menu at the top of the screen:

As long as you are set up to access your Trust/consortium information, you should see your Trust/consortium Name and Product(s) listed:

Click on the appropriate row and you will be taken to the relevant Trust/consortium page on the website.
You will see several tabs on screen, the final one of which is the Reports tab.

Clicking on this tab takes you to a page that will allow you to download Trust/consortium-level PDF reports and CSV files, which compare the performances from all of the schools in the group for a national task.
Select the year group(s) and academic year(s) from the buttons on the left.
(You can also select to include only those tasks from a certain month - useful if the same year group appear twice for different months.)

The buttons you see for each task are:
A PDF summary report for the Trust's schools
A CSV file of the summary data for the Trust's schools
A CSV file of the student-level data
A Progress summary report for the Trust's schools
A Progress CSV file of the summary data for the Trust's schools
A Progress CSV file of the summary data for the Trust's schools (using Z scores)
The Cohorts button - this allows you to select which tasks to include in the Progress reports. The Progress reports will by default include results averages for ONLY those schools that have taken part in EVERY possible task - so if some tasks were not taken by all of your schools you might wish to deselect some tasks before generating a Progress report, to maximise the number of schools appearing.
The Exemplars button - this allows you to create a PDF report of exemplar scrips from this task, randomly chosen from across the range, just for your Trust. You can choose to create a report with 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 exemplar scripts.

Don't forget - if any further judging is carried out in any of the schools, then you will need to re-download the reports!
Updated on: 04/09/2024
Thank you!