Using the online editor for typed submissions
Once you have uploaded candidate details, you will see the option to provide candidates with an individual login to type in their answer. log in link Every task had three unique words. In this example case the words are emu laves feuar. A candidate would log on using followedFew readersTyped Tasks
If you want students to type in their answers you can use our online editor. After you have uploaded your candidate list, go to 1. Set up task and click on option a) to take you to the Candidates screen. Click on the view tab and you will see the Typed submissions panel with further instructions. ( readersCommon Issues with the Typed Tasks
Here are some common issues with Typed Tasks A student can't submit their answer The computer that the student is using needs to have a live connection to the internet. Most issues with submission are caused by a computer temporarily dropping off the internet. The response that a student has typed is saved to their local computer, so it is a good idea to refresh the browser on the computer, make sure that the internet connection is live and try sending it again. A student's answer thaFew readers