Scanning and uploading
How to load the completed Coded scripts into our system When you have gathered in your pupils' completed answer sheets you need to scan, upload and check them. The process consists of these steps: Scan the sheets as pdf file(s) Upload the scans Check the uploaded scans Check for missing Codes CheckPopularScan the sheets
Scan the sheets You should be able to use any modern photocopier for the scanning. You need to set the output to be pdf. You can scan the files in as many batches as you wish, as long as each pdf file generated is less than 40Mb in size. We would recommend batches of up to 100 pages, depending on file size. Ideally scan each class group into one pdf for ease of administration.Some readersUpload your scans
Make sure you are logged into the correct task. Choose the task you wish to upload files to from the My Tasks link at the top of the page. Click on the Scan completed assessments & upload scans link and then upload your scans either by: Dragging and dropping your pdf file(s) from your computer into the grey box, or Clicking the '+' button or the 'Or select your files' button: OncSome readersChecking your scans
When the upload process is complete, the system will automatically read the Codes on the scripts, in order to match the correct sheets to the correct candidates. You will see an image of each of the pages. At the top of each image you will see: The page order (from the pdf file) of the sheet The task name The 7-figure Code uniquely identifying the sheet A tick to indicate that the sheet will be Included. (To Exclude a sheet, click the tick and it will turn into a cross.) Scroll throuFew readersChecking for missing scans
When the upload process is complete, if any Codes could not be read (for example because the scan wasn't clear or the Code had been written over), then this will be indicated by 'No code' in the top right of the image instead of the 7-figure Code: Don't worry, this can be fixed at the next stage, after you have clicked the 'Complete Upload(s)' button. Once you have clicked the 'CompleteFew readersChecking for duplicates
If two or more sheets with the same 7-figure Code are uploaded to the task, the system will detect the sheets as duplicates. Once you have clicked the 'Complete Upload(s)' button, you will see this indicated on the Issues tab. Click the Issues tab: To Exclude a duplicate sheet, click the tick and it will turn into a cross: ( readersDouble check the uploaded scans
As a final check of the images, click on the Thumbnails tab: This will bring up 'thumbnails' of all the scans for all the candidates that will be included in the judging process. You can look through them to double check that the quality of the scans is fine. You can magnify any thumbnail in a new browser window by clicking on it. To order the images by size (for example to look for sheetsFew readersDouble check page numbers
Finally, to see if you have scanned in all the sheets, and to check they have all been read correctly, you can check how many pages we have received per candidate. You can see this in the right-hand column of the table on the Candidates page / VIEW tab. Click on the 'Pages' header of that column to sort the candidates on the number of pages received per candidate. This will make it easier to quickly identify candidates with too few pages or none at all: ( readersDealing with absentees
This article describes the absentee notifications that are displayed for nationally moderated tasks such as Assessing Primary Writing. The article also shows what to do for any absentees on these tasks. The purpose of marking absentees is so that you can have peace of mind that all your students have responses that are ready to be judged. If you have uploaded scans or students have submitted responses online, but there are still some candidates without reponses, you will see this kind of meSome readers